We breed for exhibition quality Our Breeds:Bantam Chickens Standard Chickens Water Fowl Turkeys Exotics
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Mini Sebastopol GeeseThe Mini Sebs have finally arrived from Holderreads! These are some of the first available of these gorgeous birds and they were worth the long wait :) They haven't even really been unveiled yet at Holderreads, so we were very fortunate to be able to get this lovely pair :) Our goose is a Smooth-Breasted (heterozygous for curly) White-Faced Gray and our gander is a Normal-Feathered Gray Belted. The Smooth-Breasted birds have the lovely curly feathers, but have smooth breasts. Goslings from this pairing will be 50% Smooth-Breasted and 50% Normals. When you then breed Smooth Breasted x Smooth Breasted, gosling will be 50% Smooth-Breasted, 25% Curly-Breasted, and 25% Normals.
The goose had just dropped most of her feathers right before being shipped here, but she should grow them back soon :) |
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